A New Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to the brand new Amour Ophelia (still getting used to this). I am SO very excited to finally be showing you what I've been working on for the past month; one big re-brand which involved parting with 'Jasmine Harding Makeup' and welcoming AmourOphelia a new logo and fresh design.
Lets start this post by addressing why I decided to move away from JHM which if you follow my on Instagram then you may have seen a brief explanation. To cut it short, I really have outgrown JHM. It's been four years since I first started blogging and to begin with, I did just talk about my favourite makeup product and monthly beauty favourites but over the years, especially more recently, my content has evolved and as have I. I'm much more into fashion than I was a few years ago, I love writing travel posts and plan to travel for the first half of 2019 which I will be sharing on here and I want to start sharing general life updates and more personal/lifestyle posts with you. Of course, beauty and skin will still remain a huge part of this blog as that is my true passion and of course, what started this little hub in the first place.
When I first decided to start a blog, through all the excitement and eagerness to get writing, I was in one massive rush to just get it up and running as soon as possible so picked jasminehardingmakeup sat by the fire one evening at home with my younger brother as (1) it was my name and (2) was straight to the point about what my blog was going to be about. To start out, it was perfect but I am no longer the 18 year old beauty obsessed first year Uni student who only cared about sharing new makeup updates, I'm a 21 turning 22 year-old girl who yes still holds an immense passion for beauty and more importantly skin but also adores writing travel diaries and guides, sharing photos from trips and over the last year has really got more into fashion and developed her style which will be shared much more on AmourOphelia. I guess I no longer wanted my blog name to determine what I wrote about/lead people to believe I only blog about beauty and also no longer wanted my full name as my domain.
I spent days brainstorming ideas for a new name, created endless lists of topics I'll cover and words that associate with each, picking out ones I liked and seeing how they could tie together. After thinking over and over again, I came to the realisation I was over complicating the entire process and actually, my name was right in-front of me. Amour is of course love in French; a language I love the sound and look of and where lots of my style and beauty inspiration comes from and Ophelia is my middle name (which I'm learnt to love over the years). Combining the two together, AmourOphelia came to life; a digital style modern letter of love about all my favourite things, to you.
Design wise, we have a few new features including a shop-able wardrobe and wish-list page, an archive allowing you to easily find my old posts, an immersive content and image heavy home page with parallax scrolling and a favourites panel that will be updated weekly. An aspect of my blog I want to really focus on and develop with this new design is my photography, as a one-man band and no one to take my photos for me, creating visual heavy style posts and even beauty posts featuring images of the products being used is a challenge but something I'm looking at changing in time. In addition to expanding my photography efforts, I'm hoping that with Amour Ophelia might come a YouTube channel. Creating videos is something I've wanted to do for a while now as there are so many post ideas I have that would be so much easier in a video but have always blamed not having the right equipment to actually sit down and start one, however stay tuned for a lot more from Amour Ophelia on different content outlets.
I'm so pleased with everything surrounding this re-brand; the chic and modern colour theme, block text logo, easy to use design and new name that perfectly encapsulates what my blog is all about. I can't wait to continue to grow Amour Ophelia with you guys and hope with this new chapter brings excitement, opportunity discovery and new adventures. Thanks to you all for reading my posts over the past four years and for following along with my journey so far.
Jasmine x